We Like To Laugh at the Character Flaws of Others

Seven “Deadly” Sins Used as Defining Personality Traits For Funny Comicbook/cartoon Characters

The Catholic church has traditionally taught that there are seven "deadly" sins, seven personality traits, seven flaws or weaknesses that will wreck your life if you can't learn to control them. We love to laugh at fictional characters with no control over themselves in these regards just as much as we like to laugh at characters who are profoundly unintelligent. With no further ado...the seven deadly sins:

1. Lust – lust is not having control over your sex drive (and making your whole life about getting as many sexual partners as possible.)


2. Gluttony – gluttony is not having control over your eating (and making your whole life about eating as much as possible.) 


3. Greed – greed is not having control over your love of money and possessions (and making your whole life about getting as many possessions, cars, property and so on as possible.)


4. Sloth – Sloth is laziness, particularly making your whole life about lying around, taking naps and sleeping as much as possible. )


5. Wrath – Wrath is not having control over your temper, making your whole life about "telling" people" and "getting" people (and giving in to disproportionate fits of rage that do away entirely with your common sense and dignity for extended periods of time.)


6. Envy – Envy is not being satisfied with your own things and your own life (and giving in to hating other people who have things that you wish you had. Characters like Peter Griffin, Eric Cartman or Homer Simpson can be seen manifesting pretty much all seven deadly sins in most episodes of the shows they are in)


7. Pride – Pride (in the sense of “vanity”) is thinking you are wonderful (and going around enjoying how wonderful you are and assuming you are far more important/smart/beautiful than other people)